Shockwave Therapy Ramsey, Warboys, Sutton & Downham Market
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ECSWT), is a safe and effective alternative to more invasive treatments, such as steroid injections or surgery, for a range of long-term medical conditions.
Why Choose Shockwave Therapy?
Safe & Effective
Clinically proven, evidence-based results with minimal adverse side effects.
Minimally Invasive
Less invasive than other treatment modalities such as steroid injections or surgery
Fast recovery
Benefits felt within weeks and generally no need to take time off work for recovery.
Long-Term Gains
Regenerative effects of treatment address the cause of the problem, not just the pain

What Does Shockwave Treat?
Shockwave therapy can treat a wide range of long-term conditions including:

How Effective Is Shockwave?
Shockwave therapy is proven to effectively treating a wide range of problems and has a positive response rate of between 60-90%, depending on the type condition being treated and how long you have had it.
The long-term effects of shockwave are excellent, which contrasts with invasive interventions, such as steroid/cortisone injections, where the effects are often short-lived.
Shockwave therapy is gaining popularity and is now not only recognised by top orthopaedic hospitals but is also used by many high-profile sporting bodies.
We recommend that before undertaking invasive interventions such as steroid injections or surgery you speak to us about how shockwave therapy may be able to help you.

Is Shockwave Safe?
Shockwave therapy is a largely safe form of therapy and is generally considered to be risk-free. It is recommended by NICE (the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) for the treatment of a number of conditions and is widely used in many hospitals (both NHS and private) across the UK.

Are there different types of shockwave?
The two main types of shockwave treatment available are Radial and Focussed Shockwave.
Radial Shockwave is the most common and accessible form of shockwave therapy and is the form used by the majority of clinics who offer shockwave therapy. It can treat a number of conditions however it is most effective at treating long-term tendinopathies (pain and weakness in the tendon).
Focussed shockwave is the more specialised shockwave therapy and is therefore offered by fewer clinics. It is the enhanced form of shockwave as it is able to treat bony disorders such as osteoarthritis, shin splints and non-union/stress fractures as well as soft-tissue conditions such as tendinopathies.
Our clinic proudly offers both forms of shockwave therapy. Consequently we are able to combine the Radial and Focussed forms of Shockwave therapy in order to maximise treatment outcomes, which leads to quicker and more effective results for you.

How Does Shockwave Work?
Shockwave treatment involves the use of a hand-held transmitter which sends acoustic ‘shockwaves’ through the skin to the affected affected area.
The effect of the these shockwaves is not only to reduce pain but also to stimulate the body’s own healing processes, facilitating the repair and remodelling of the damaged tissue. This is why shockwave can be an effective long-term solution to your problem.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?
If your practitioner advises a course of shockwave therapy this will a normally involve a series of three to six treatment sessions at roughly weekly intervals.
The number of treatments you require will vary according to a number of factors such as the type of injury, how long you have been suffering with it and which form of shockwave treatment (Radial or Focussed) is advised.
A second course of treatment (usually a further two to four sessions) is sometimes required however the vast majority of cases resolve with single course of treatment.
Shockwave can be an effective form of treatment in isolation however we tend to recommended that a course of shockwave therapy be followed by a 12-week period of exercise rehabilitation in order to consolidate the effects of the shockwave treatment and reduces the chances of any recurrence.

When Will I Feel The Benefits?
Although the benefits from shockwave can be felt within days or weeks, the healing processes stimulated by the treatment continue for around three months, which is when the maximum benefit is generally felt.
One of the benefits of shockwave treatment is that, in contrast to more invasive interventions such as surgery, patients are generally able to carry on with their normal life, with few needing to take any time off work.
Would you like to know more?
Contact us now to book a FREE 15-minute chat with one of our expert practitioners to see if shockwave therapy may be something that would benefit you.
- Back pain
- Headaches
- Frozen shoulder
- Plantar fasciitis
- Runners knee
- Achilles Tendinopathy
- Rotator Cuff Problems
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